
Posted by Mrs Long in General | Comments Off

Tuesday 8th September – Update

We have had another fun packed day today. The children are having an amazing time and are doing the school proud with their excellent attitude. Our day involved ‘Awesome Aquatic Adventures’ – where the children enjoyed pond dipping and examining their findings under the microscope. They were lucky enough to find dragonfly nymphs, Water Boatmen and shrimps.

They have also been very busy ‘Muckmovers’, which involved lots of hard work with wheelbarrows and spades. We made lots of compost and learned about lots of different plants.

We also enjoyed manipulating clay and making models from the locally sourced clay.

We are just heading out for our evening bonfire which we are really looking forward to!!

Tuesday 8th September

We have all had a fantastic nights sleep. Our teachers were extremely proud. We have had a delicious breakfast and made our own lunch. We are now raring to go!!

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